Honey von Halver
Honey von Halver is a beautiful smaller sized 6-7 month old mix of possibly Terrier/Shepherd and some other adorable breeds. Don’t be fooled by her (oh-so-cute) wiry coat, this girl is all soft snuggles and sweet smiles. Despite her young age, you could call her a true teacher’s pet: She knows sit, down and paw, and has fabulous leash manners, all while taking treats very nicely. Honey is a sweetheart with people, always game for belly rubs and loves other dogs. She is currently sharing her run, is wonderful in playgroups, and likes to give kisses to her canine friends. She'd really love another friendly pup in her forever home. She's also passed her initial cat tests. Honey might be smaller, but her heart and personality are larger than life! Bring some love and sunshine to your day when you come say hello to Honey. |
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